Crude Oil Tank Sludge Cleaning Robot

Crude Oil Tank Sludge cleaning robot
Entering a crude oil tank has a lot of personnel safety risks. In spite of best preparations, these tanks have the risks of low oxygen, hydrocarbons, hydrogen sulfide, dark, slippery and many such risks.
BetaTANK has developed a robot to clean the crude oil tank sludge. Powered and controlled by Hydraulics, this robot is certified as per stringent International IECx standards to operate in Zone 0.
Retail Outlet Petroleum Tank Robot

Retail Outlet Tank Cleaning Robot
BetaTANK has invented a robot to clean retail outlet tank. This will help gas freeing and further operations for maintenance. This robot with its folding arms enters a standard retail outlet underground tank through the standard 24″ manhole, opens its arms and washes and strips the tank washings.
Municipal Culvert Cleaning Robot

Municipal Culvert Cleaning Robot
Municipalities of the world have some peculiar problems. While SWDs are desilted by Excavators, these machines do not reach inside of culverts. These culverts become a choke point for flow of water during floods. BetaTANK has designed robots to clean up the silt in these culverts. This robot is be launched in the coming months.